Origin of name
The word Easter comes, just the Hebrew name of the Jewish feast to which the Christian Easter is intimately linked, not only the symbolic meaning of "pass" common to pagan celebrations (transition from winter to spring) and Jewish (from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land), but also by the position of Easter in the calendar, according to the calculations set forth below.
In Portuguese, as in many other languages, the word Easter comes from the Hebrew Pesah. The Spaniards call the feast of Passover, the Italian Pasqua and French Pâques.
The terms "Easter" (Ishtar) and "Ostern" (in English and German, respectively) seem to have no etymological relationship to the Pesach (Passover). The most accepted hypotheses relating to the terms Estremonat, name of an ancient Germanic months, or Eostre, a Germanic goddess associated with spring he was honored each year in the month of Eostremonat, according to the Venerable Bede, English historian of the the seventh century. However, it is important to mention that is cognate of Inanna Ishtar and Astarte (Phoenician mythology and Sumerian mythology), both linked to fertility, of which probably the myth of "Ostern", and consequently the Passover (directly and indirectly), had notorious influences.
Symbols of Easter
- eggs
- Rabbit
- Lamb
- Paschal
- sunflower
- Bread and wine
- colomba
- bell
- Holy oils
- Rabbit
- Lamb
- Paschal
- sunflower
- Bread and wine
- colomba
- bell
- Holy oils
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