sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012

The meaning of Friday 13th:

According to another story, the curse of Friday the 13thhas to do with the process of Christianization of the barbarians who invaded Europe in the early medieval period. Before converting to Christianity, the Scandinavians were polytheistic and had great esteem for Frigga, goddess of love and beauty. With the conversion process, began to curse her as a witch,every Friday, met with eleven witches and the devil prayfor plagues against humanity.

Curiosities of Friday 13th:

*according to a recent study of the largest UK insurer, there are more records of accidents on Friday the 13th;
*According to the Office of phobia Ashville, NorthCarolina (USA), an estimated 17-21 million Americans are at home when it's Friday the 13th, due to fear that it might happen something;
*For the mystics this day is associated with the evolution of being, being one of the most powerful days as the number plus 13 equals 4, and this represents the four elements: water, earth, fire and air.


O significado da sexta-feira 13:

Segundo outra história, a maldição da sexta-feira as13thhas a ver com o processo de cristianização dos povos bárbaros que invadiram a Europa no início do período medieval. Antes de se converter ao cristianismo, os escandinavos eram politeístas e tinham grande estima por Friga, deusa do amor e da beleza. Com o processo de conversão, começou a praguejar como uma bruxa, toda sexta-feira, reuniu-secom onze bruxas e as pragas prayfor diabo contra a humanidade.

Curiosidades da 13 ª sexta-feira:

* De acordo com um estudo recente da maior seguradora do Reino Unido, há mais registros de acidentes na sexta-feira 13;
* De acordo com o Escritório de fobia Ashville,NorthCarolina (EUA), cerca de 17-21 milhões de americanos estão em casa quando é sexta-feira dia 13, devido ao receio de que isso poderia aconteceralguma coisa;
* Para os místicos este dia está associado com a evolução do ser, sendo um dos dias mais poderososcomo o número mais 13 é igual a 4, e isto representaos quatro elementos: água, terra, fogo e ar.

Hello from Florida!

Sunshine State

Hi, there!
I'm having a great time here in St. Augustine. I arrived just before Cristmas and I am going back for school in February. I'm at my grandparents' house and I go to the beach every day. It's good to see my relatives and all my friends.


Sunshine State

Oi, lá!
Estou tendo um grande momento aqui em St. Agustine.Cheguei um pouco antes Cristmas e eu vou voltar para a escola em fevereiro. Estou na casa dos meus avós e eu ir à praia todos os dias. É bom ver meus parentes e todos os meus amigos.


segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

Facts about the Easter

Origin of name

Easter events have occurred during Pesah, when Jews celebrate the release and flight of his people enslaved in Egypt.
The word Easter comes, just the Hebrew name of the Jewish feast to which the Christian Easter is intimately linked, not only the symbolic meaning of "pass" common to pagan celebrations (transition from winter to spring) and Jewish (from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land), but also by the position of Easter in the calendar, according to the calculations set forth below.
In Portuguese, as in many other languages​​, the word Easter comes from the Hebrew Pesah. The Spaniards call the feast of Passover, the Italian Pasqua and French Pâques.
The terms "Easter" (Ishtar) and "Ostern" (in English and German, respectively) seem to have no etymological relationship to the Pesach (Passover). The most accepted hypotheses relating to the terms Estremonat, name of an ancient Germanic months, or Eostre, a Germanic goddess associated with spring he was honored each year in the month of Eostremonat, according to the Venerable Bede, English historian of the the seventh century. However, it is important to mention that is cognate of Inanna Ishtar and Astarte (Phoenician mythology and Sumerian mythology), both linked to fertility, of which probably the myth of "Ostern", and consequently the Passover (directly and indirectly), had notorious influences.

Symbols of Easter

- eggs
- Rabbit
- Lamb
- Paschal
- sunflower
- Bread and wine
- colomba
- bell
- Holy oils